Add your name now.

Racist violence is carried out by a tiny minority, but it doesn't happen in a vacuum or come from nowhere. The vast majority of people hear the racist rhetoric that provokes and excuses it every single day.

In our parliament, on our newspaper stands, on our televisions and social media feeds. Anti-refugee, anti-Muslim, anti-migrant language and sentiment poisons people's minds and spills onto our streets.

The game is up. We can't go on like this. Add your name to tell powerful people that we will not accept them using their platforms to put racialised people in danger.

No more racism in parliament, no more racism in the media, no more racism anywhere.


To all politicians, the media, public bodies and public figures,

To stop racist riots, we have to stop racist and dehumanising rhetoric. We, the signatories to this petition, demand an end to the danger your words create for refugees, Muslims, migrants, Black and Brown people, and racialised communities.

- Seeking asylum is legal. Stop insinuating people have done anything wrong by asking the UK for protection.

- Make no excuses for racist violence. Call it what it is. When Muslims are targeted, call it Islamophobia.

- Abandon dehumanising words and slogans. 'Stop the boats', 'Illegal migrant', 'Swarms', 'We want our country back' - when your words are used by violent racists it is time to reconsider them.

- Stop promoting the hostile and racist policies that divide our communities. Welcome people seeking safety with the respect and dignity they deserve.

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